Transgender People
Those who identify with the gender that was assigned to them at birth based on their biological sex (for example, they are assigned male at birth and continue to identify as a boy) are called cisgender. Individuals who identify with a gender that is different from the one they were assigned based on their biological sex (for example, they are assigned male at birth but feel inwardly that they are a girl, or a gender other than a boy) are called transgender. Transgender is an umbrella term that refers to the state of one's gender identity (in other words, one's self-identification as woman, man, neither, both, or something different) not matching one's assigned sex (their identification by others as male, female, or intersex, based on genetic and biological characteristics). Transgender is independent of sexual orientation; transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, asexual, or any other kind of sexuality, just like cisgender people do. It is difficult to determine the prevalence of transgender people in society; however, it is estimated that 2–5% of the U.S. population is transgender (Transgender Law and Policy Institute 2007).
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